If you're a character who uses mostly melee this is (possibly) one of the best amulets that you can get for yourself. The Hunter's Amulet of Strength is one of the 3 possible rewards that you can claim at the end of the Bloodmoon Expansion Pack's primary story quest. Only players who pick up the Enchant skill can replace this amulet with something better since they're able to make something much better. This Amulet as well as Hunter's Amulet of Strength are two of the best Constant Effect necklaces that you can get in the game.
Hunter's Amulet of Speed is one of the 3 possible rewards that you can claim at the end of the Bloodmoon Expansion Pack's primary story quest. I'd recommend replacing it with something better once you get higher level though and can find or create better items. In Morrowind you run sooooo slllloooJust make sure you have a method of resisting the blind when you use them.ĭenstagmer's Ring is one of the best accessories you can get for yourself early on in Morrowind because it's easy to get and a fantastic item. Unless you're using a mod that increases your movement speed. The Boots of Blinding Speed are arguably one of the most important enchanted items for you to get in the entire game. The reason many people consider this the best chest armor in the game is due to the enchants that it has paired with the high Armor Rating. The best chest armor in the game despite being Medium Armor. I only list items that can be found ingame - if you are looking for a list of the best custom enchants that you can make yourself with Enchant then check out that guide instead. On this page you will find a list of all the best Constant Effect enchants in Morrowind. Constant Effect and Cast on Use can be applied to both weapons and armor but Cast on Strike is reserved for weapons only. In Elder Scrolls: Morrowind there are 3 different types of enchants that you can put on your gear and weapons, Constant Effect, Cast on Use and Cast on Strike. List of the best Constant Effect Enchants - Elder Scrolls: Morrowind